Top 10 Best Super Mario Party Minigames -

Top 10 Best Super Mario Party Minigames
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Top 10 Best Super Mario Party Minigames
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The 2018 Mario Party game is there, and it has a lot of games? How many mini games are there in the new Super Mario Party? 80! Some are great, some are terrible, so here are our picks for the best minigames in Super Mario Party.

List Entries and Rank:
10) “Bumper Brawl”
9) “Candy Shakedown”
8) “What a Racket”
7) “Air to a Fortune”
6) “Nut Cases”
5) “Sign, Steal, Deliver”
4) “Soak or Croak”
3, 2 & 1: ???

#SuperMarioParty #MarioParty #Nintendo

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